Episode #101: Making Inspired Decisions

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In this episode we cover:

-  How our decisions with who we allow into our lives impacts us

- How inspired decisions have the ability to change your life

- Why some of our decisions in life require alot of soul searching

- Allowing our picture of what we want to be modified

- Releasing our old self and stepping into our the new version of ourselves

- Embracing the new changes and choices we've made even if they're scary

- The power of inspired decisions

- Why criticism takes us off our path and prevents us from hearing the inspiration that we need 

- Get clear on what we really want (not what we think we want)

- Why our values are so important

- Saying what we really want

- Not allowing people to latch on to us or our aura

- Not defining ourselves in terms of our relationships

- Feeling worthy of love and protection

- Being able to digest our life

- Allowing ourselves to be guided in which steps to take

Affirmations for this episode:

- I act in alignment with my values

- Loves opens the door for me to feel whole and complete 

- It's ok for me to tell my story

- I'm becoming more creative each day

- I express myself easily and with courage

- I'm worthy of divine love and protection

- I break down my to do list into easy, bite sized adible pieces and save the rest for another time and after another process of priortization 

- My body and spirit are supported as they assimilate new information and events



Tanya Ormsby