Episode #139: Getting Through Tough Times
In this episode we cover:
- How to support ourselves during difficult times
- Letting go of our limiting beliefs around love
- Releasing our feeling of not belonging
- Allowing ourselves to be loved
- Forgiving ourselves
- Get clear on what you really want
- Being honest with ourselves and others
- Not letting outside circumstances dictate how we feel on the inside
- Operating from love and not from fear
Plus much much more.
Affirmations for this episode:
- I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind, body and all my experiences
- I create loving, successful relationships
- It's safe to be loved
- I love unconditionally
- Love is everywhere and I allow myself to experience it
- I connect easily to my spirit
- I choose to replace fear with faith
- I easily cut through any illusion and find the truth
- I don't need all the answers right now
- I connect easily with life and the people around me
- I know when to surrender and let go
- My heart is open and flowing
- I allow myself to feel liberated
- I allow others to accept my worth
- I love life
- I trust that my future is safe
- Money is my friend
- As I invest in myself the universe rises to meet me
- Money comes to me in planned and unplanned ways that are good
- I remain my true self with prosperity
- I drink in life's richness and sweetness
- Even though my memory is strong and I can recall old conversations and incidents word for word I forgive easily and keep the wisdom without blaming others
- I accept myself as I am, unique with a unique way of seeing things and a unique way of living
- I'm passionate about everything I do, even the tiny things
- I am fitting in
- I am in the perfect place in my life
- I get things done
- I give myself permission to move forward
- My needs are as important as others
- I know that I am worthwhile
- I surrender my strong opinions and rigid thinking and participate with others to achieve my goals, allowing diversity of thought to increase my productivity
- I respond to the constant invitation to surrender my burdens to my higher power, all I need to do is release and let go
- I surrender to what is without trying to change it, from that authentic view of what is I'm able to powerfully forge ahead unburdened by the weight of disappointment and all the heavy and exhausting shoulds, my way becomes uncomplicated
- My children are safe with me
- I live within my healthy limits
- I'm safe to be all I want to be
- I allow others the freedom to use their power and be who they are
- I lovingly support myself and my family
- I'm free to ask for what I want
- I choose my thoughts carefully
- I'm ready to face the truth
- I value honesty
- I love myself
- I am limitless
- I'm no longer limited by my past or present circumstances