Episode #131: Grateful Heart

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In this episode we're covering:

- Being grateful even during chaotic times

- What makes you feel drained and what makes you feel energised?

- Releasing stuck emotions and false beliefs

- Being able to give and receive

- Tuning into your body and listening to what it's telling us

- What happens when emotions get trapped in our body

- Not trying to make others happy

- Imagining the future we want 

- Pinpointing what's frustrating in your life

- No longer resisting life

- Letting of hostility

- Being more flexible in your life

- Feeling supported in life

Affirmations for this episode:

- I ask you to release all anger, suspicion, distrust and frustration from my past. Assist me in dissolving all the stress, irritation, negativity and hardness, fear, obstacles and projected problems from my eyes as well as all points of view, all patterns and the positive and negative charges that contribute to this condition. Please install feelings and experiences of clarity, trust, patience, relaxation, softness, flexibility and peace. Please heal and regenerate my eyes and all related organs to their maximum strength, vitality and flexibility.

- I know how to nurture and protect my inner child

- I'm compassionate with high morals and ethics

- I allow unconditional love to occupy all of the past painful experiences 

I'm increasing in my ability to love myself and others

- I'm spiritually connected to all of my loved ones despite their consciousness and unconscious actions



Tanya Ormsby