Episode #107: Calmness Through Storms

Tanya by Get Together Photo 52_websize.jpg

In this episode we cover:

- Making sure we're spending time with our family and friends

- Showing ourselves love more- Spending time with people that we love

- Processing things that have happened so we can move forward- What in your life is holding your back right now?

- Being able to just be and not always do 

- Not punishing ourselves

- Scheduling time for fun and things that bring us joy

- Creating a strong boundaries 

- Being able to say no

- Letting go of toxic patterns-

Flowing with life

- Being ok in our own company and when we're alone

- Allowing yourself to have fun

Affirmations for this episode:

- I'm balanced and grounded

- I know when to say no

- I address the deep emotional and spiritual issues behind needing to be sick

- I reveal to myself tha patterns of thinking that continually create poor health, poor boundaries and poor use of time

- I take full responsibility for my health and have great daily practices that promote healing and well being

- I reduce my toxic load by spending time in nature and eating nutrient dense foods giving up toxic substances and hydrate my body

- I let go and of negativity and pain my procrastination was holding on to 

- I respond to the constant invitation to surrender my burdens to my higher power all I need to do is to release and let go 

- I allow myself to choose differently 

- I'm ok without my anger

- I'm ok without my depression

- I feel cheerful, bright, courageous and relaxed

- I step away from unproductive fear and worry releasing them to be replaced with faith, hope and determination 

- I flow with life

- My perception enables me to help myself and others to achieve their highest purpose

- I always have a choice

- Life is easy for me

- I no longer see my mistakes as failure



Tanya Ormsby